Finally, a resource that is relatable and interactive for kids to practice coping with childhood cancer! This coloring book was created specifically for children going through cancer treatments and their siblings. When our son went through cancer treatments, we couldn’t find many easily available, interactive resources that helped children deal with cancer. This coloring book gives kids tips on how to cope with negative emotions that often come with chronic sickness and frequent hospital stays. The illustrations were hand drawn by our 14 year old niece who wanted to use her passion of art to help and make a difference.
Cancer kids and siblings can color kids who look like them, whether they have a head full of hair or not. They are invited to write what they can do to feel better when they are sad or angry. This resource has been donated and well received by several hospitals such as John Hopkins and Children’s Hospital of Atlanta and cancer summer camps such as Camp Quality.
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Making a difference
Cong Over 600 coloring books have donated so far due to community generosity. These books have been well received at hospitals such as John Hopkins and the Children’s Hospital of Atlanta as well as summer camps for childhood cancer such as Camp Quality and Camp Sunshine
The content of what you have created is so wonderful, and I think will be such a helpful tool for families and staff as they work with patients or siblings to better understand their complex emotions associated with treatment.
– OLindsay WhitesdieO

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